02 November 2015

The Journey

The journey... to finding Love

Feeling like a teenager
I took a chance
timidly... meekly
I told her... that...
she fascinated me
that... that...
I'd like to get to know her

like a scared little child
I waited for her rejection
instead... I saw a lot more
I witnessed the birth
of a bubbly innocent child
her insecurity... as well as mine
was replaced with vulnerability

honesty... let me share my pains
trust... let her release her fears
vulnerability, trust and honesty
started us on a journey
an improbable... impossible journey
that with each passing day
becomes more real

no longer a dream
it's a wish of ours
a wish to be together
a reality that a kindred spirit
was born in the mind
now yearning and pleading
for the dream to live physically

Our journey started simply
and it has stayed simple
a simple request for our higher powers
to join us... to give us a chance
to find the reality...
of love and peace...
sharing our hearts with each other...

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