The Pusher
The fame, the fortune,
Years riding the storm.
No need for a heaven,
It was here, I would rule.
A king... worshiped... and feared.
From far away,
People came to see me.
By arenas and stadiums,
Just to see me... to hear me.
A prophet, for a new generation.
Had to play, had to perform.
Little puppets, waiting for release.
That magical touch,
Your source of life,
A fulfillment of peace.
Given from my hand,
To calm, your savage beast.
Cheered and idolized.
An ability to create heaven,
Here on earth.
You'd listen to what I'd say,
You'd do what I wanted.
Nah, I'm not a rock and roll star,
Nor a politician.
I'm no great athlete or a wise man.
I'm your street corner pusher.
You'd gladly give me your money,
For a bag of weed.
An LSD trip, would steal your weekend.
'Srooms and hashish,
I had it all, just for you.
I had the power,
I had your money,
I had your future.
This world of illusion,
We all help create.
A god, I had become.
Worshippers, filled with fear.
Pushed and pushed, I stole your soul.
Yeah, I was your dealer.
A best friend, through a wild time.
A worst enemy, with a crazy past.
I... just wonder...
When did this exciting heaven...
Become our eternal hell...
Thoughts from Authors Den
ReplyDeleteReviewed by Sandra Mushi 6/29/2005
Dave, you have captured this so brilliantly well! A very powerful message ...
I... just wonder...
When did this exciting heaven...
Become our eternal hell...
God bless, Dave. Sandie.
Reviewed by Tracey L. O' Very (Reader) 4/11/2005
Excellent and Powerful poem of Truth! excellent question at the end too.
Reviewed by OnepoetGem * the Poetic Rapper 4/3/2005
great, super rendition Dave. Now this is where avoiding pain and suffering comes in. Stay away from the pusher man, the bottle and other negative things of such. And we suffer less. Since I quit drinking a lot of my pain and suffering has ceased. 20 years alcohol free, lifes been a lot better. Pain has been less. G
Reviewed by Andy Turner (Reader) 3/26/2005
Is a very strong write. You say it well. Therefore the grace...I'm to scared to even smoke a fag..
But have seen the pieces of the likes. And felt my head hit their fist. With their vacant stare...
Reviewed by Regis Auffray 3/26/2005
A powerful and timely message, Dave. I has a similar theme to "Devil's Bride" which I wrote about crystal meth. Thank you for sharing. Love and peace. Regis
Reviewed by Karen Lynn Vidra, The Texas Tornado 3/26/2005
I'm glad I don't do that stuff; powerful write, Dave; so sad some people don't know how to deal with their problems...Well done!
(((HUGS))) and much love, your friend in Tx., Karen Lynn. :(
Reviewed by Tinka Boukes 3/26/2005
What Robert said makes me want to say the same
"drugs are not the answer, i'd rather be intoxicated with life"
Reviewed by Mr. Ed 3/26/2005
I... just wonder...
When did this exciting heaven...
Become our eternal hell...
Truly a profound question for today's modern world, Dave.
Reviewed by Jerry Bolton (Reader) 3/26/2005
As the sixties band, Iron Butterfly, so eloquently put if, GOD DAMN THE PUSHER MAN!
Reviewed by jude forese 3/25/2005
drugs are not the answer, i'd rather be intoxicated with life ...
though i might add, drugs have been around since the first medicine man decided to find alternatives for the ills of man and drugs will be around deep into the future ... the soma for mankind is not even a century away ... great poem!
Reviewed by E T Waldron 3/25/2005
Superb message/poem Dave. You tell it like it is.
There is no mysterious knowledge, or hip agenda
escaping into realms of happiness,for drug users,
only what Felix said and it's a shame our youth don't
learn of it sooner. Thanks fof sharing !
Reviewed by L. Figgins 3/25/2005
Powerful write, Dave. I can't put it any better than Felix has...
Reviewed by Felix Perry 3/25/2005
The world of the pusher in todays society is that of the corrupter and murdererr of young and innocent, drugs contrary to what we believed in the sixties were not then and are not now the answer. So many dead bodies lie beneath the ground today because of the drugs. That my friend is no illusion. Goof expose written with wisdom.