22 May 2011

Life Ain't Fear

Someone near and dear to me has been battling their own demons through alcoholism. This person lives in fear of sobriety, using my old statements, "it's my life and I'm not hurting anyone!" Sobriety has shown me how much I had hurt others and someday, God Willing, this person will see how much damage they have created. But through their own insanity, my own sobriety has become stronger. I never want to relive that pain again...

Life Ain't Fear

some things ain’t meant to be
happiness, peace, and serenity
can’t believe everything
that’s been done
tired of struggling
this is no fun
just want to sit back and cry
I’d fall to pieces
so i just sigh

can’t cry… can’t lie
simple solution… just die
it is true life ain’t fair
walking blindly…
a blank stare
feel punished for a wild past
got to wonder…
how long it will last

things that were done and said
life of regrets…
the walking dead
if this is the way
life was meant to be
please set me free

how much more pain
can we endure
thought life would be better
after the cure
what else can I say
I’ll keep dreaming…
day after day
I refuse to accept it
I’ll keep trying…
just won’t quit

1 comment:

  1. Previous comments

    Reviewed by Sherry Heim 3/12/2006
    This is really sad, Dave. Alcoholism is a disease, albeit a self-inflicted one, but sometimes the victim does not possess the inner strength to lift their self above it. Often times, we live in a bad situation because change scares us more than where we are. Never having liked alcohol, I consider myself lucky to have never been drawn to its evil side. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, but we must open our eyes, to see it. Good work, Dave, and I wish strength to your friend and continued strength to you.

    Reviewed by Birgit and Roger Pratcher 3/12/2006
    So sad and so true, best of luck and lots of strenght to you and your friend,
    Birgit and Roger

    Reviewed by Chrissy McVay 3/12/2006
    This is so true, Dave. We think we only hurt ourselves with our addictions, but everyone is 'infected' to some degree.

    Reviewed by Felix Perry 3/12/2006
    There is as this poem verifies even with the pain...hope.

    Reviewed by Regis Auffray 3/12/2006
    A most compelling and meaningful offering, Dave. Thank you for sharing it. Love and peace to you,

    Reviewed by Hariharan Balakrishnan 3/12/2006
    IN response to this wonderful poem, I can only share something I wrote sometime ago:

    The happiness of having done
    Something good for someone
    Tastes better than nectar
    Higher than Heaven

    The joy of doing something
    For whom, you do not know
    Is Bliss and perfect Peace
    Like nothing on earth

    It's said that men give
    Even to a beggar
    Out of pure ego
    Is it true?

    Is it?

    Hariharan Balakrishnan 08.05.2003

    Reviewed by E T Waldron 3/12/2006
    It is those like you Dave, who will help others to find their way. So keep wwriting and caring, because what you are has meaning! Thanks for sharing!

    Reviewed by Tinka Boukes 3/12/2006
    Keep the faith Dave...and I know you are a strong man to share this with us!! Thank you dear friend for sharing!!

    Reviewed by Susan Sonnen (Reader) 3/12/2006
    I have been reading your bio and some of your works this morning. I find your personal story to be one of strength and honesty. Thank you for being so open with the world.

    Reviewed by Mr. Ed 3/12/2006
    i’ll keep dreaming…
    day after day
    I refuse to accept it
    i’ll keep trying…
    just won’t quit

    A wonderful, life affirming attitude, Dave; and very sadly, only your friend can discover that on his/her own, as you most certainly did.

    Reviewed by Ed Matlack 3/12/2006
    Been there done that, quit drinking many years ago, but I don't keep track...though I am happy I did so...this persons time will come when he/she is ready, all you can do is be there when the time is right...Find Peace, ed & rufuz
