04 August 2015

Living Humbly

I believe the worst thing one person can do to another is to take them for granted.  This also holds true for our Higher Powers.

Last year, I learned how much strength can be obtained by being close to my Higher Power.

When my medical procedures started I was filled with fear.  A fear of the future and a fear of death.  I still remember the day, laying in a hospital bed for the third time in six weeks.  I didn't think I would walk out of that hospital.  My fear was replaced with peace and acceptance.

An acceptance and peace which was followed by love... a love that has stayed with me, now nearly a year after major surgeries.  And I pray that this love never leaves me... and it won't if I never take it for granted.

Living Humbly

Waking up brings excitement
the morning dew… a blissful scent
a magical day has begun
becomes more special with the rising sun

with every step become more alive
go for a walk instead of a drive
fragrance of flowers and the birds song
so grateful to come along

with nature… living in harmony
everything so magnificent to see
lay on the grass of Mother Earth
understand one's own worth

at night, when closing one's eyes
wonder? Was it a lie
in the morning will the beauty return
it will if remembered what was learned

we are transients in this time
and all will be fine
respect the gifts that God has bestowed
and your life will continue to grow

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