Power Animals
A wolf lurks inside,
waiting, waiting...
for his chance... to rule.
To destroy again,
to lie and manipulate.
Wrecking havoc, showing
no respect or dignity.
An innocent, little lamb,
stands in its way.
Like a child, experiencing
life for the first time.
Its wool, warms and protects
the soul, blankets it with comfort.
Loved and cared for,
the lamb gains strength,
through support.
Over time, the wolf
accepts it place...
No longer in power,
but always feared...
Overtime, the lamb,
accepts the wolf's company.
Never totally at ease,
no longer intimidating,
but respected.
Stories and memories,
of the wolf's evil ways,
never forgotten.
No longer, able to sneak up
on its prey...
with its deceit, lies, and games.
The lamb,
gets stronger everyday.
The wolf, resigned
to its place in history.
Together, they co-exist.
An uneasy truce,
till death...
they will part.
Then, the lambs,
peace and serenity,
earned through eternity.
From Authors Den
ReplyDeleteReviewed by Judy Lloyd (Reader) 5/14/2005
This is an incredible write Dave and I am glad that I got to read it.
Reviewed by Regis Auffray 3/25/2005
Thought-provokingly meaninful write, Dave. Symbolic as well, in my estimation.
Reviewed by Tracey L. O' Very (Reader) 3/24/2005
An extremely wonderful poem and an excellent way of looking at things in life. This is very powerful and packs a strong message helping all so many in so many ways. Thank you so much Dave and hope you get this one out and about to all.
Reviewed by OnepoetGem * the Poetic Rapper 3/23/2005
Hello Dave, this is a super piece that touched me deep. I too, put my wolf away. My lamb is a little to sensitive and kind though but I don't sweat it, the wolfs there to help keep the balance. this animal thing does hold water. I'm not a taurus but I wear a long horn gold bull medallion around my neck. Won't leave home without it. Of course in my truck I have superman floor matts. I also love tanks. I guess we all pick and chose our power symbols. G
Reviewed by D May (Reader) 3/22/2005
Thought provoking and profound. Well done Dave.
Reviewed by Mitzi Jackson 3/22/2005
Outstanding!!! this is a keeper strong with elganceand the pic right on point
this is it, this is the one!!!!
Reviewed by A Serviceable Villain 3/21/2005
Extra well-penned poem ... very resounding - thanks!!
Reviewed by Sandie Angel 3/20/2005
Very good write. The poem speaks volume and is felt by the readers.
Reviewed by Nordette Adams 3/20/2005
Peace to you, Dave Harm. A good and honest write. My father is a long-time member of AA, sober now approximately 22 years. I spent part of my teen years attending Alateen meetings. He settled down after I was married. We all struggle with some type of addiction or codependency whether we want to admit or not. To know our weakness and fight each day and overcome it is the mark of a true warrior. God bless you.
Reviewed by jude forese 3/19/2005
profound symbolic journey ... true enlightenement from the magic sun animal ...
More wonderful thoughts from Authors Den
ReplyDeleteReviewed by L. Figgins 3/19/2005
Powerful write! Knowing wolf behaviour, members of the pack follow the dominant male. It seems that dominance is represented by your strength, Dave and your addiction has taken a subordinate position. What is that verse about the wolf lying down with the lamb? That would be a good allegory here...
Reviewed by Gwen Dickerson 3/19/2005
It's good that you have an accute sense of your own instincts. Awareness and identification of ones's nature, are necessary steps to success in controling or eliminating problems. How beautifully you have expressed this in your poem.
Reviewed by Karen Lynn Vidra, The Texas Tornado 3/19/2005
excellent job, dave; all the best to you! you are in my prayers every day!
Reviewed by Tinka Boukes 3/19/2005
This is a powerful piece about "willpower and strenght"!! Well done Dave...and thanks for remembering me today!!
Reviewed by M. B. 3/19/2005
Yes, Dave, Shamanism embraces the concept of power animals that guide them when they Journey to the Underworld for answers to life's questions and struggling circumstances.
POWER ANIMALS beautifully portray the opposing battles within and shows the polar opposites learning to cohabitate until the lamb gains its strength, which it will over time. It won't be long before that lamb overwhelms the wolf, strikes him down and uses its pelt to keep itself warm and safe.
Reviewed by Jerry Bolton (Reader) 3/19/2005
Not all that sure about the Power Animals within us, but whatever works for you is power enough. Good read.
Reviewed by Felix Perry 3/19/2005
Deep internal inspiration this one Dave and I know that it has carried you will. Exceptional imagery and insight.
Reviewed by George Jackson 3/19/2005
Feed the Lamb, starve the Wolf....wonderful poem.
Reviewed by Mr. Ed 3/19/2005
A truly interesting poem, Dave; and I, too, have studied Native American Power Animals. I even have some animal power cards. And mine seems to be the raven - and I see these birds everywhere. And it truly sounds like your lamb grows stronger every day.
Reviewed by Andy Turner (Reader) 3/19/2005
Intelligent allegory. Like how it begins then builds up. Nice one Dave...
Reviewed by Mary Quire 3/19/2005
This is a very beautiful poem grounded in truth and strength. Very nicely done.
Reviewed by E T Waldron 3/18/2005
Dave this is a fantastic write that should help all who struggle to overcome any addiction. People forget the other habits like food, gambling, fear, sex, there are many things we become addicted to and your poetic analogy of the two animals is superb. Thanks for sharing and bravo on your personal success!
Reviewed by Kate Clifford 3/18/2005
Very Insightful write full of truths. I like your style :-)