symoblic thoughts from the cover of my book
Damaged Merchandise
a basement room,
brought comfort and illusions.
darkness, except that one window.
the Son always Shining in.
no phone, no tv.
just tunes, a world all my own.
people would venture down those steps.
who they were...
i didn't care...
nor, could i tell.
through needles, booze, and bongs,
paranoia ruled my life.
no friendships, no enemies.
just destruction... of self.
one thing always the same.
the window...
with the Light.
no matter how i tired to ignore.
the Son Shined in.
the Warmth, i refused to accept.
cutting through the smoke.
It found me, against the wall.
the Son, wouldn't leave me.
though i ignored It...
that Light stayed with me.
the Son wouldn't surrender,
until i accepted.
the Son wouldn't be blocked out.
drugs killed my pain.
but that Light,
brought the Son...
brought the Warmth...
It showed me life...
It gave me a chance...
18 thoughts and reviews from "Authors Den"
ReplyDeleteReviewed by Sandy Knauer 4/22/2005
Sometimes damage makes something all the more special. The little scratch on my hutch made me know how much I appreciate that piece of furniture, and the child who put the scratch on it. I'm a big believer in things happen for a reason, and some of those society considers 'damaged' have really come to teach us important lessons about life and love. Very nice work here, Dave. I can't wait to read more.
Reviewed by Kathleen Herrick 3/12/2005
Damaged sure, but always hopeful. There is always hope.
Reviewed by June Thompson 2/11/2005
a very inspiring write indeed
Reviewed by Regis Auffray 1/22/2005
An inspiring offering, Dave. Love, peace and strength to you. Regis
Reviewed by Tracey L. O' Very (Reader) 1/21/2005
Beautiful! The Son is a faithful and determined One. Thank goodness!
Love Tracey
Reviewed by Lori Moore 1/20/2005
Wonderful inspiration.
Reviewed by George Jackson 1/19/2005
As an alcoholic in recovery, I saw much to relate with here. An excellent poem, Dave. Thank you.
Reviewed by Tinka Boukes 1/18/2005
Remarkable....what the son can do to us!!
Warm Love Tinka
Reviewed by m j hollingshead 1/18/2005
poignant read
Reviewed by Kate Clifford 1/18/2005
The light is stronger :-) Great write.
Reviewed by Julie Donner Andersen 1/18/2005
All things are possible with God.
Hallelujah - you made it through!
Excellent write, Dave.
Looking forward to more from you.
:) Jools
Reviewed by E T Waldron 1/18/2005
What an uplifting gem this is Dave! It's inspired by the Son Light that shone in your eyes forcing you to see the truth!
How great is that?;-) Splendid writing! Thanks for sharing!
Reviewed by A Serviceable Villain 1/18/2005
Inspirationally boosting write - very emotive and well-imaged ... thanks for this one!!
Best to you, Robert
Reviewed by Janet Parker 1/18/2005
This is a very inspiring poem, Dave. If you made it out of that hole, others can too.
Reviewed by Judy Lloyd (Reader) 1/18/2005
I like this because it fits in with a novel that I am working on. I like how you handled this one. Yes damaged lives are difficult to deal with.
Reviewed by Karla Dorman, The StormSpinner 1/18/2005
Dave, A magnificent testiment to the Higher Power that loved you despite yourself and your additions. The addictions are no match for God! And you realize that--a beautiful, affirming, lifesaving write--BRAVO!
And congratulations on your book--it sounds like one I'd love to read. Well done! (((HUGS))) and love, Karla. :)
Reviewed by Sue Hess 1/18/2005
wonderfully written...when i was at the worst of addiction, things my mother had told me as i was growing up would haunt me until i finally had to give it up, God has a way of getting to us..one way or the other
Reviewed by Karen Lynn Vidra, The Texas Tornado 1/18/2005
no matter what you go through, dave, the Light is always there! Glad you found the Light! Wonderful poem of hope and healing!
(((HUGS))) and much love, your friend in Tx., Karen Lynn. :D