17 April 2011

Experience From The Bottom Of The Scale

The Fifth AA Promise is, "No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others."

Experience From The Bottom Of The Scale

lying under a bridge...
can't handle it anymore
I pray for death
withdrawals are worse
and I wonder
can I survive till my next high

climbing in a dumpster...
looking for scraps of food
I pray for death
my body trembles from hunger
and I take a bite
of a half eaten burger

stealing quarters and dimes
from unlocked cars
I pray for death
buy a 99 cent
bottle of wine
passing out in the city park

He reached down
grabbed my hand
and I realized
I didn't want to die
had a story to tell
and I prayed... my experience
would help... someone

as I grew... I witnessed
others growing... and learning
and I thanked God
that I didn't die
He gave me hope to move forward
He gave me strength to accept the past
and He gave me love to help others

1 comment:

  1. Author Den writers and readers express their thoughts

    Reviewed by Felix Perry 5/16/2009
    Great write that expresses will the desperation and the hope of reaching the end of the line...

    Reviewed by Ed Matlack 5/15/2009
    Living on the streets this sounds of & I have been there and done that...

    Reviewed by Connie Faust 5/15/2009
    I'm glad you didn't die, too. And glad for you that you are learning and growing and reaching out to others. When God took your hand, He touched many others, too.
    This poem tells a terrible, wonderful story. I enjoyed it very much.

    Reviewed by E T Waldron 5/15/2009
    Bless you Dave, and I pray you keep helping others for as you do you wind up helping yurself most of all. This is what we find out in the long run,as Creator knew we would, if we payed attention! All of God's best to you!
