06 April 2011

An Awakening

"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." - The 12th Step from Alcoholics Anonymous

An Awakening

a spiritual awakening
a spiritual life
which only came to live
through surrender

by admitting defeat
I found power
the power within
to change my life

12 simple steps
changed attitudes and beliefs
though simple... not easy
the beginning of a new life

today I offer help
to those that suffer
a new way to see life
a second chance

for those in pain
it is your insanity
that keeps me sober... because
"By the Grace of God, there go I"

this awakening keeps me searching
for the truth and I realize
whether it is one day or many years
everyone is a teacher

as a teacher
the Higher Power
sheds some light
making us all... students

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts from Authors Den

    Reviewed by S. GRENON_SOULFUL Poetess for YOU. 12/24/2007
    YOU got that right!
    Amen! and I am spiritually connected!
    Thank YOU Dave!
    STay Strong and MOve On!
    Helping others is a great healing and cleansing!
    Thank you for sharing!
    I started Tracking/Following your heart TODAY! SEE, how you move mountains/hearts...
    12-24th-07 almost 2008

    Warm hugs and Warmer Blessings, Warrior Purple Lady Sweet Sheooxoo
    STay Positive!
    Write ON!

    Reviewed by Andy Turner 12/3/2007
    WOW, indeed seeing God in all is mystic indeed.
    Top ho, my friend....
